Life is better with art

Rainbow Serpent Dreamtime Story

Rainbow Serpents are Powerful Ancestral Beings

At the heart of the Rainbow Serpent Dreamtime Story stands the central figure—the Rainbow Serpent. Often portrayed as a colossal and vibrant snake, this powerful entity embodies the creative life force that shaped the world. In the Dreamtime, the Rainbow Serpent roamed the land, its immense body carved rivers, created waterholes, shaped landscapes, and breathed life into plants, animals, and humans, setting the stage for the intricate web of existence.


two Aboriginal paintings depicting the rainbow serpent

L Wanampi Tjukurpa - Mythical Rainbow Snake Creation Story, 2009, Tiger Palpatja
R Garimala (The Two Snakes) 1988, Ginger Riley Munduwalawala

The Rainbow Serpent Dreamtime Story encompasses profound spiritual significance for many Aboriginal Peoples, particularly those inhabiting desert regions. Believed to dwell in waterholes and traverse the realm beneath the ground or amidst storm clouds, this enigmatic entity holds sway over rainfall, determining the fate of communities by bestowing or withholding vital precipitation. Thus, the Rainbow Serpent became an emblem of fertility, abundance, and the interconnectedness of all living beings.

The Rainbow Serpent wields extraordinary potency, capable of conjuring tempestuous storms, violent gales, and torrential downpours. Those who fail to approach it with proper deference risk its swift retribution. As a guardian of water, it exercises dominion over life and death in the desert's arid expanse. In Arnhem Land, nestled in the Northern Territory, the Rainbow Serpent embodies prosperity and fecundity, both in the natural realm and human society. It possesses the authority to confer conception spirits upon waterholes, while also exacting justice upon transgressors of age-old customs and laws.

Approaching a waterhole becomes an act of profound reverence for Aboriginal peoples. Beyond its role in shaping the physical world, the Rainbow Serpent is revered as a spiritual guardian. Aboriginal communities hold a deep respect for this ancestral being, recognising its enduring presence within the land. Aboriginal peoples believe that the Rainbow Serpent's spirit continues to guide and protect the natural environment and its inhabitants. Through rituals, ceremonies, and respect for sacred sites, Aboriginal peoples maintain a harmonious relationship with the Rainbow Serpent, honoring their responsibilities as custodians of the land.

Known as Ngalyod in the Kuninjku language of Arnhem Land, the Rainbow Serpent maintains a symbiotic relationship with water sources such as creeks and rivers. Its influence extends to the flourishing of waterborne flora, including vibrant waterlilies, entwining vines, and elegant palms. Shedding its skin symbolises the essence of renewal and the capacity to rejuvenate life's eternal cycle. Mythological accounts of the Rainbow Serpent often portray a formidable creature that consumes humans, only to release them transformed, a testament to its regenerative prowess.

The Rainbow Serpent Dreamtime Story carries profound symbolism and cultural significance within Aboriginal communities. Its tale serves as a didactic tool, imparting moral lessons, ecological wisdom, and ancestral heritage to younger generations. It underscores the importance of maintaining balance, harmony, and respect for the natural world, instilling a deep sense of belonging and connection with the land and its spiritual forces.

Two Aboriginal paintings depicting the Rainbow Serpent

L Untitled(Rainbow Serpent), Rover Thomas, c1986
R Ngalyod - the Rainbow Serpent, Jimmy Njiminjuma, c1985


The Rainbow Serpent assumes a myriad of names and totemic forms across diverse Aboriginal languages and communities. Embedded within the tapestry of Dreaming and Creation narratives, it perpetuates its authoritative dominion over human existence. Sacred sites associated with the Rainbow Serpent command unwavering reverence and custodial care from Aboriginal communities. Adherence to prescribed protocols at these sites becomes imperative, for transgressions are believed to incite afflictions, accidents, and nature's tumultuous outpourings. However, there exist Rainbow Serpent sites where people are welcome to engage in hunting, fishing, and swimming without apprehension.

The allure of the Rainbow Serpent Dreamtime Story has transcended oral tradition and found expression in various forms of Aboriginal Art. Aboriginal artists skillfully capture the Rainbow Serpent's vibrant hues and sinuous form on canvases, bark paintings, and rock art. These evocative representations not only convey the beauty of the narrative but also serve as a means of cultural preservation and a way to share the spiritual significance of the Rainbow Serpent with the wider world.

In appreciating the Rainbow Serpent Dreamtime Story and the artists who paint it, it is crucial to approach it with respect, understanding, and cultural sensitivity. Aboriginal communities have guarded these narratives for thousands of years. By engaging in meaningful dialogue, supporting Indigenous artists, and actively promoting cultural appreciation, we can contribute to the preservation and celebration of these invaluable traditions.

The Rainbow Serpent Dreamtime Story invites us into a realm of profound beauty, wisdom, and interconnectedness. It unveils the ancestral knowledge, spiritual beliefs, and ecological harmony that have shaped the Aboriginal cultures of Australia for millennia. Embracing the significance of this narrative offers us an opportunity to deepen our understanding of the diverse world around us and forge meaningful connections with the land, its inhabitants, and the enduring wisdom of the Dreamtime.