Life is better with art

2023 Referendum Outcome

Reflecting on the referendum's outcome, it's apparent the journey towards a unified, equitable Australia demands our collective and persistent engagement. Though the 'YES' we had hoped for didn't resonate across the ballots, the chorus of voices advocating for Indigenous representation has only grown and become more harmonious.

The referendum might have closed a chapter, but the narrative of inclusivity and recognition is far from over. Let's carry the essence of what 'YES' represented - unity, respect, and a nation willing to learn, grow, and embrace its Indigenous heritage. 

Each dialogue, every shared insight, propels us closer to the Australia we envision - one where the wisdom of its First Nations people is not just heard, but revered and integrated into the nation's ethos.

The recent collective efforts now lay the groundwork for the next wave of change. We remain steadfast in our support, fueled by a shared aspiration for an Australia where every voice counts, every narrative matters. The quest for a #VoiceToParliament and more continues, and so does our unwavering belief in the boundless possibilities that lie ahead. Together, we continue writing our story, nurturing a legacy of respect, understanding, and collective endeavor.

Let's stand tall against discrimination, let's challenge ignorance with education, and replace hatred with understanding and empathy.