Life is better with art

Warakurna Aboriginal Art Centre

Warakurna Aboriginal Art Centre is a vital cultural institution in the Ngaanyatjarra Lands of Western Australia

This Aboriginal art centre serves as a dynamic hub for the artistic expression and cultural preservation of the Warakurna community and the surrounding regions.


Paintings from Warakurna Aboriginal Art Centre
Paintings by Warakurna artists in their signature style


Situated in the remote desert landscape, Warakurna Aboriginal Art Centre hosts a diverse group of artists who create vibrant paintings, sculptures, and other art forms that reflect their deep connection to their land, culture, and Tjukurrpa (Dreaming stories). The art produced here is characterised by its bold use of colour and loose style, as well as innovative compositions, conveying the rich narratives and traditions of the Ngaanyatjarra people.

The centre plays a crucial role in empowering its artists by providing a platform to showcase their work and gain financial independence. Through exhibitions, art fairs, and cultural festivals, both locally and internationally, Warakurna artists have the opportunity to share their unique perspectives and artistic talents with a wider audience. This exposure celebrates the artistic achievements of the Warakurna artists and Warakurna Aboriginal art centre and fosters a great sense of pride within the community.

Warakurna Aboriginal Art Centre is deeply committed to community engagement and cultural education. It hosts workshops, artist talks, and educational programs that offer visitors and locals the chance to learn about the traditional and contemporary art practices of the region's Indigenous peoples. These initiatives help to nurture the artistic skills of emerging talent and strengthen the cultural knowledge and intergenerational learning within the community.

The economic sustainability of the artists and their communities is a key focus for the centre. By providing a sustainable income source through the sale of artworks, the centre supports the livelihoods of its artists and contributes to the overall well-being of their families and communities. This economic empowerment is essential for the continued vitality of the art centre and the preservation of its cultural heritage.

Warakurna Aboriginal Art Centre ensures that the stories, traditions, and artistic expressions of the Warakurna people continue to flourish and inspire generations to come.