Life is better with art

The Yuendumu Doors are a collection of painted classroom doors created by Warlpiri Aboriginal elders

In the 1980s, a remarkable transformation unfolded within the Warlpiri community of Yuendumu, as ancient Aboriginal symbols, once etched in sand and lost to the desert winds, found a new canvas on the classroom doors of the local school. This was a time of cultural revival, a period when the Warlpiri people began to explore the use of acrylic paint to capture their lives, their ancestral lands, and their Dreamings.

At the heart of this renaissance was Terry Davies, the school's principal, who invited a group of Warlpiri elders to paint their sacred Dreamings onto the doors. This initiative was more than an artistic endeavor; it was a bridge between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities, fostering a sharing of knowledge and culture. The elders painted 30 doors with detailed depictions of significant Dreamings, creating a vibrant educational tool for the Yuendumu children and a testament to their rich heritage.

For 12 years, these doors remained at the school, serving as a connection for the younger Warlpiri generation to their cultural roots in a landscape altered by colonisation. They were not merely carriers of knowledge; they instilled a sense of pride within the community. The artistry of the Yuendumu Doors broke away from traditional Aboriginal art forms, embracing a wider palette of colours and materials to bring the Dreamings to life with vivid patterns and hues.

Each door narrated a unique Dreaming story, with symbols dating back thousands of years, illustrating the interconnectedness of people, animals, and the land central to Warlpiri culture. While the deeper meanings of the Dreamings remained known primarily to the Aboriginal people, the paintings offered a glimpse into their profound connection to the land, their ancestors, and the enduring spirit of their culture.

After gracing the school for over a decade, the Yuendumu Doors found a new home at the South Australian Museum, where they continue to be a symbol of Warlpiri cultural heritage and a source of inspiration for visitors. The Yuendumu Doors stand as a testament to the resilience of the Warlpiri community, showcasing their ability to preserve and share their culture with the world. These doors symbolise the strength and spirit of a people who, despite facing adversity, have remained steadfast in their traditions, proudly sharing their rich cultural legacy with future generations.

Discover the continued work of the Aboriginal Art Centre in Yuendumu, Warlukurlangu Artists