Cameron Kawurlkku, Djomi, 117x25cm Rindengemälde

Cameron Kawurlkku, Djomi, 117x25cm Rindengemälde

$1,329.00 1540+ Reviews

Original Artwork from a Community-Run, Not-for-Profit Art Centre, Complete with a Certificate of Authenticity Issued by Them.

Ethical Art Made Easy Fast & Free Delivery 120-Day Easy Returns (Not That You’ll Need Them) Colour-Corrected Images (What You See Is What You Get)

  • Aborigine-Künstler - Cameron Kawurlkku
  • Gemeinschaft - Maningrida
  • Heimat - Mumeka
  • Aboriginal Art Center – Maningrdia Arts
  • Katalognummer - 964-22
  • Materialien – Acrylfarbe auf Stringybark
  • Größe (cm) – H117 B25 T2 (unregelmäßig)
  • Ausrichtung – Wie angezeigt
  • Versandvariante – Lieferung fertig zum Aufhängen mit einer Metallhalterung auf der Rückseite

Im Bábbarra billabong gibt es zwei träumende Damen – Djómi und Bábbarra. Diese beiden sind Schwestern: eine Süßwasser-Meerjungfrau und eine Salzwasser-Meerjungfrau. Großer langer Kopf, großer Bauch und sehr dünne Beine, Bábbarra. Ihre Mutter ist das Krokodil, das im Bábbarra-Billabong lebt. Beide Schwestern werden den Menschen durch das Trinkwasser in Bábbarra Babys schenken. Deshalb bleiben Männer fern und Bábbarra ist eine heilige Frauenstätte. Zu stark träumen wir – auch Männer können das Baby im Bauch bekommen! Wenn es in Bábbarra regnet oder ein Wirbelsturm kommt, liegt das daran, dass unser Träumen zu stark ist. Es gibt viele weibliche Geister. Wenn die Stürme kommen, gehen die Geister in die unterirdischen Flüsse und verstecken sich sicher. Wenn Sie in unserem Land angeln gehen, müssen Sie aufpassen, dass Sie nicht die „Meerjungfrauen“ Bábbarra und Djómi fangen. Manche Leute halten sie für Barramundi, aber in Wirklichkeit sind sie die „Meerjungfrauen“-Geister. Sie werden es wissen, weil sie weiße Haare haben. Lena Djabibba, Djungkay (Mutterland und zeremonielle Leiterin von Bábbarra) und Joy Garlbin (Grundbesitzerin von Bábbarra).

Text mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Bábbarra Women's Center, Copyright 2017

Cameron Kawurlkku ist der Sohn des Maningrida-Gründers Stephen Kawurlkku, dessen Werke im Djomi-Museum zu sehen sind.

Cameron sagt, er habe an seinen Vater gedacht und beschlossen, es mit dem Schnitzen zu versuchen. Seine Schwester und sein Bruder halfen ihm beim Lernen.

Cameron begann mit dem Schnitzen der Geisterfiguren Mimih und Djomi. Er lernt sein Handwerk, experimentiert mit neuen Ideen und malt jetzt auch.

Eine Kunstbewegung, die auffällig, politisch und dauerhaft ist: Das ist es, was zeitgenössische Künstler in Maningrida und den umliegenden Heimatländern aufgebaut haben, angetrieben von ihren angestammten Verbindungen zu Land und Kultur djang .

Die Lernmethoden und Kunstschulen im Arnhemland basieren auf einem System der Weitergabe von Wissen und Informationen an andere. Die Kunst hier hat ihren Ursprung im Körperdesign, in der Rockkunst und in kulturellen Praktiken, gepaart mit mehr als 50 Jahren Zusammenarbeit, Reisen und politischem Handeln, um die Herrschaft über das Land zu behalten. Werte und Gesetze werden durch Sprache, Bilder, manikay (Lied), Bunggul (Tanz), doloppo bim (Rindenmalerei), Skulpturen und kun-madj (Weben) – die Künste.

Die Transformation des Djang durch die Künstler Die Beschäftigung mit dem zeitgenössischen künstlerischen Ausdruck hat Menschen auf der ganzen Welt fasziniert: Kunstkuratoren und Sammler sowie Stars wie Yoko Ono, Jane Campion, David Attenborough und Elton John. Pablo Picasso sagte über Yirawalas Gemälde: „Das ist es, was ich mein ganzes Leben lang zu erreichen versucht habe.“

Yirawala (ca. 1897–1976) war ein legendärer Kuninjku-Führer, Künstler, Landrechtsaktivist und Lehrer, und seine Kunstwerke waren die ersten indigenen Künstler, die von der National Gallery of Australia im Rahmen einer Repräsentationspolitik gesammelt wurden Tiefe der bedeutendsten Persönlichkeiten der australischen Kunst.

Maningrida Arts & Culture hat seinen Sitz im Kunibídji-Land im Arnhemland im australischen Northern Territory. Das Gebiet, in dem Künstler leben, umfasst 7.000 Quadratkilometer Land und Meer sowie über 100 Clan-Anwesen, in denen die Menschen mehr als 12 verschiedene Sprachen sprechen. Die Ureinwohner dieser Region leben immer noch auf dem Land, überleben und sind widerstandsfähig, weil ihr Land das Zentrum ihrer Erkenntnistheorie, ihres Glaubenssystems und ihrer Kultur ist – djang .

Werke von Künstlern aus der größeren Maningrida-Region sind in Sammlungen und Institutionen auf der ganzen Welt zu sehen. Wir arbeiten das ganze Jahr über mit Museen, zeitgenössischen Galerien und gehobenen Einzelhändlern im In- und Ausland an Projekten zusammen.

Text mit freundlicher Genehmigung: Maningrida Arts and Culture

Wir sind sehr stolz darauf, Ihnen hochwertige, authentische Kunstwerke der Aborigines anbieten zu können. Wir sind uns jedoch darüber im Klaren, dass es auf dem Markt für Aborigine-Kunst Fälle gab (und die aktuelle Presse bezog sich auf die nicht angeschlossene APYACC), in denen die Echtheit einiger Kunstwerke in Frage gestellt wurde. Wir möchten Ihnen und allen unseren Kunden versichern, dass wir fest hinter der Authentizität jedes von uns verkauften Kunstwerks stehen.

Zusätzlich zu unserem verlängerten Standard-Rückgaberecht von 120 Tagen freuen wir uns, allen Kunden, die bei uns Kunst der Aborigines aus Vergangenheit und Gegenwart kaufen, eine lebenslange Geld-zurück-Echtheitsgarantie anbieten zu können. Diese Garantie deckt jeden Ruf oder jedes Fehlverhalten im Zusammenhang mit der Echtheit von Kunstwerken der Aborigines ab, die von verkauft werden ART ARK® . Wir verstehen, dass Ihnen der Kauf authentischer Kunst der Aborigines wichtig ist, und wir möchten Ihnen die Gewissheit geben, dass sie das bekommen, wofür Sie bezahlt haben.

Im Rahmen unseres Engagements für authentische Kunst der Aborigines arbeiten wir mit renommierten Zentren für Aborigine-Kunst zusammen, von denen wir wissen, dass sie sich für die Wahrung der Integrität der Kunst der Aborigines einsetzen. Darüber hinaus überwachen wir kontinuierlich alle Aspekte des Marktes für Aborigine-Kunst und sind uns aller auftretenden Probleme bewusst und gehen proaktiv damit um.

Wir nehmen die Authentizität der Kunst der Aborigines ernst und sind bestrebt, Ihnen hochwertige und echte Kunstwerke zu bieten. Wenn Sie Bedenken hinsichtlich der Echtheit eines von Ihnen bei uns gekauften Kunstwerks haben, zögern Sie bitte nicht, uns zu kontaktieren. Wir werden die Angelegenheit weiter untersuchen. Wenn wir in Bezug auf die Herkunft oder Authentizität eines von uns verkauften Kunstwerks ein Fehlverhalten oder einen Misskredit feststellen, erstatten wir Ihnen jederzeit in der Zukunft außerhalb unserer Standard-Rückgabebedingungen den vollen Kaufpreis zurück.

Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich entschieden haben ART ARK® für Ihren Einkauf von Aborigine-Kunst. Es ist uns eine Ehre, Ihnen authentische, hochwertige Kunstwerke zur Verfügung zu stellen und freuen uns darauf, Sie weiterhin bedienen zu dürfen.

Ethische Aborigine-Kunst

Wärmen Sie Ihr Zuhause mit wunderschöner Aborigine-Kunst aus der ältesten lebenden Kultur der Welt. Mit Ihrem Kauf unterstützen Sie den Künstler und sein kommunales Kunstzentrum. Ihr Kunstwerk wird genau wie abgebildet geliefert, farbgetreu, sorgfältig verpackt und mit einem Echtheitszertifikat eines gemeindebasierten Kunstzentrums. Genießen Sie eine kostenlose versicherte Lieferung und ein 120-tägiges Rückgaberecht für ein reibungsloses, sicheres und ethisches Kauferlebnis.


Nur Zertifikate von gemeindebasierten Aborigine-Kunstzentren garantieren eine ethische Beschaffung. Jedes ART ARK®-Stück enthält dieses wichtige Dokument. Erfahren Sie mehr über die Echtheit der Aborigine-Kunst .

Problemloser Kunstkauf

Wir lieben unsere Kunstwerke und wir glauben, Sie werden es auch tun! Wenn Sie jedoch aus irgendeinem Grund nicht 100 % zufrieden mit Ihrem Kunstwerk sind, können Sie es innerhalb von 120 Tagen nach Erhalt gegen volle Rückerstattung zurückgeben. Erfahren Sie mehr über Lieferung und Rücksendung .

Einrahmen von Aborigine-Kunst

Um die Preise transparent zu halten, liefern wir die Kunstwerke so, wie sie bei uns eintreffen – ungerahmt und mit einem Preis, der sich nach den Vorgaben des jeweiligen Kunstzentrums richtet. Leinwand- und Leinenstücke werden aufgerollt, damit Sie sie bei Ihrem örtlichen Rahmenmacher leicht wieder aufspannen können. Rindenbilder und kleinere Artikel aus unserer Stretched Desert Paintings-Kollektion werden montagefertig geliefert. Aquarelle sollten hinter Glas gerahmt werden, entweder nach Maß oder vorgefertigt. Erfahren Sie mehr über die Einrahmung von Aboriginal-Kunst .

Freundliche Worte

Unsere Kunden lieben unsere schnellen Lieferungen, die Genauigkeit unserer Bilder und unser ethisches Geschäftsmodell. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unseren Kundenbewertungen .


Wir sind flexibel und möchten Sie genauso unterstützen wie Sie die Künstler. Sie können auch auf herkömmliche Raten bezahlen – zahlen Sie beim Bezahlen einfach eine Anzahlung von 20 % mit dem Code LAYBY20 und wir senden Ihnen innerhalb von 24 Stunden eine Rechnung über den Restbetrag. Sie können dann über 2 Monate hinweg beliebig viele Raten zahlen und wir gleichen den Gesamtbetrag ab, bevor wir Ihnen Ihr Kunstwerk zusenden.

Weltweite Lieferung

Versand von Launceston, Tasmanien (Lutruwita), bis an Ihre Haustür, wo auch immer Sie sind. Inlandslieferungen sind kostenlos. Für internationale Bestellungen unter 500 AUD fällt eine Portogebühr von 30 AUD an; andernfalls ist der Versand ebenfalls kostenlos. Hilfreiche Links zum Zoll .

Bitte beachten Sie: Internationale Zölle und Steuern können je nach Land unterschiedlich sein. Originalkunstwerke, die unter dem Zolltarif 970191(0000) klassifiziert sind, sind in den Vereinigten Staaten und Kanada zollfrei. In Großbritannien gilt eine reduzierte Mehrwertsteuer von 5 %, in Frankreich 5,5 % und in Deutschland 7 %. In vielen anderen Ländern können die Zölle höher sein, prüfen Sie dies also bitte. Wir empfehlen, dies beim Kauf zu berücksichtigen.

ART ARK Reviews
  • Product Reviews
  • Site Reviews
Natalie G.
We recently visited Art Ark on a Trip to Tasmania after many years of wanting to do so. It’s centrally located in Launceston and definitely worth the stop if you’re in the area! It’s beautifully presented and almost overwhelming with all of the incredible art on display - we could have literally...We recently visited Art Ark on a Trip to Tasmania after many years of wanting to do so. It’s centrally located in Launceston and definitely worth the stop if you’re in the area! It’s beautifully presented and almost overwhelming with all of the incredible art on display - we could have literally spent hours there! It’s by appointment only which made it a really relaxing environment to make our way through each beautiful piece of art and not feel rushed. Guy was so wonderful, he gave us the space to explore the gallery at our own pace but also on hand when we had any questions or wanted to know more about the artist or story behind the art (he was so knowledgeable!). He was also kind enough to help keep our toddler entertained with toys and activities so we could focus on looking through all of the beautiful pieces and not be stressed! We loved the philosophy behind Art Ark and their strong values around maintaining ethics in the industry. We can’t wait to visit again!
Renita Stanley, Minyma Kutjara Wingellina, 120x76cm
Peta M.
Great service, easy purchase with confidence and beautiful artwork.
Peggy Nampijinpa Brown, Warlukurlangu Jukurrpa (Fire country Dreaming), 91x61cm
Eve B.
United States
Art Ark is a gem and treasure to be discovered! I have loved to read and understand the Abouriginal culture believing in the ancient wisdom it has to teach us about how to live in our world. I decided to buy my adult daughter a work that was astoundingly exquisite. I was unsure of buying something...Art Ark is a gem and treasure to be discovered! I have loved to read and understand the Abouriginal culture believing in the ancient wisdom it has to teach us about how to live in our world. I decided to buy my adult daughter a work that was astoundingly exquisite. I was unsure of buying something so far away from the states but took the risk due to the sensitive viewpoint on ethical practices. With in a very short time my daughter had received her gift and sent me a photo holding the beautiful work. I sing the praises of this good company and encourage others to place their trust in them as I was not disappointed. Hats off and kudos to honest marketing and good service
Tjimpuna Williams, Piltati Tjukurrpa, 60x43cm
katherine k.
I have received my amazingly beautiful Bark Art by Raphael Wurrkidj. It is hung proudly above my piano with my central desert weaving - dilly bags and basket. I am so very grateful for Raphael's artwork, please thank them for me.
Raphael Wurrkidj, Kun-madj - Large Dillybag Vine, 76x41cm Bark Painting
Julia C.
Gorgeous piece of art by a renowned artist! Postage was so quick. It’s great to know that this art was purchased ethically
Ivy Pareroultja, Glen Helen - West MacDonnell Ranges, 36x26cm
Mathew K.
Thank you to all involved!
Evelyn Nangala Robertson, Ngapa Jukurrpa - Pirlinyarnu, 30x30cm
Tari J.
United States
I have always wanted some of your art and we finally bought two pieces. I love them. While there is a bit of color difference - I'm sure it is the monitor - but nevertheless I am so excited to get them hung. Both pieces are rich and I could not be more please.
Roschelle Nampijinpa Major, Warna Jukurrpa (Snake Dreaming), 152x91
Shelley B.
Art Ark is so easy - I am a repeat customer. Approachable, very fast turnaround and most importantly there is transparency of who and from which community the art originates. Love the pieces I am now lucky enough to have in my home.
Vanetta Nampijinpa Hudson, Warlukurlangu Jukurrpa (Fire country Dreaming), 122x61cm
David H.
I did like the quick service and good prices that Art Ark provide. I’ve particularly loved my latest painting by Leston Japaljarri Spencer, Warna Jukurrpa (Snake Dreaming), 122x107cm.
Leston Japaljarri Spencer, Warna Jukurrpa (Snake Dreaming), 122x107cm
Arlene L.
United States
Beautiful and easy. I’ve taken a while to get my painting mounted and looking forward to it gracing my house next week.
Jeffrey Jangala Gallagher, Yankirri Jukurrpa (Emu Dreaming) - Ngarlikurlangu, 61x46cm
Melissa I.
United States
Art Ark is an amazing organization doing very important work. I reached out to Guy about visiting the gallery on our stopover in Launceston, and he very kindly welcomed us in, taught us about the organization and about aboriginal art, and told us about the artists and their work. There's an...Art Ark is an amazing organization doing very important work. I reached out to Guy about visiting the gallery on our stopover in Launceston, and he very kindly welcomed us in, taught us about the organization and about aboriginal art, and told us about the artists and their work. There's an incredible array of paintings, and Guy was very patient with us while we made our decision. When we got home to the U.S., our paintings were already there waiting for us. I can't recommend Art Ark enough for their ethics, professionalism, and the sheer quality of these incredible pieces of art.
Amanda Daegar, Ngayuku Ngura, 120x70cm
Lachlan R.
A fantastic end to end experience. My artwork arrived extremely well wrapped and packaged. The description and photos online were great and matched the product sent. Will definitely use ArtArk again.
Nathania Nangala Granites, Warlukurlangu Jukurrpa (Fire country Dreaming), 122x107cm
Lauren B.
I love this piece more in person than I thought I would! I’ve ordered from Art Ark multiple times, and each time the art that has arrived has been as pictured (or better). This time it was packaged, shipped and arrived within two days of ordering - exceptional service. Thank you
Renae Nelson, Mamungari, 61x44cm
very professional the artwork was as expected. Thank you Guy and Tamika Nangala Cook
Tamika Nangala Cook, Ngurlu Jukurrpa (Native Seed Dreaming), 40x40cm
Nina H.
Buying art online can sometimes be daunting but my experience at the Art Ark was first class. Extraordinarily helpful, extremely descriptive and left me feeling confident in the process. When my art arrived it was so well packed to keep it safe and to say I was delighted was an understatement....Buying art online can sometimes be daunting but my experience at the Art Ark was first class. Extraordinarily helpful, extremely descriptive and left me feeling confident in the process. When my art arrived it was so well packed to keep it safe and to say I was delighted was an understatement. Thank you so much
Tina Napangardi Martin, Jintiparnta Jukurrpa (Desert Truffle Dreaming) - Mina Mina, 183x152cm
Kathleen W.
As with previous purchases, these ArtArk paintings arrived in very good time, in excellent condition, and Guy was a great help with typical customs/VAT officials in France. The paintings are beautiful, the colours more vibrant than they appear on my computer screen. Can't wait to stretch them onto...As with previous purchases, these ArtArk paintings arrived in very good time, in excellent condition, and Guy was a great help with typical customs/VAT officials in France. The paintings are beautiful, the colours more vibrant than they appear on my computer screen. Can't wait to stretch them onto frames myself - and thanks to Guy, I have the confidence to do that - and geet them on the walls.
Debbie Napaljarri Brown, Wanakiji Jukurrpa (Bush Tomato Dreaming), 122x61cm
Jacquelyn M.
I’ve purchased some paintings for myself, Guy is always helpful and I love my artwork so much that I decided to buy a gift voucher as a wedding present for my niece.
Gift Card
Josephine H.
Thank you so much for the wonderful packaging of the magnificent painting by Mervyn Rubuntja. Everything about it is superb. The paperwork is also fantastic. Suffice to say I knew and worked with Wenton Rubuntja when I moved to central Australia in the mid 1980s. The houses of all my friends and...Thank you so much for the wonderful packaging of the magnificent painting by Mervyn Rubuntja. Everything about it is superb. The paperwork is also fantastic. Suffice to say I knew and worked with Wenton Rubuntja when I moved to central Australia in the mid 1980s. The houses of all my friends and family as well as our own house here in Adelaide are full of Wenten pieces both watercolour and dot paintings, on board and canvas and anything else he could find! He was an incredible man and it was wonderful to read the notes. I worked in the establishment of old people’s services and had a lot to do with Wenten and the elders in his family. As you can imagine my memories of Mervyn are of a very young boy. What I do know is that he is just utterly brilliant, his talent is outstanding and everything he does just leaps right off the paper. I had never looked at Art Ark before and was scrolling through really admiring the quality of the works and whamo there was the Mervyn and my father who has two Mervyn postcard size works I bought him, is about to turn 100, and I acted FAST! – but not as fast as my father acted when he opened the package in Sydney. He absolutely loves it and I wasn’t going to make him wait one day to look at it and enjoy it. He is very discerning and an art fanatic to put it mildly. So it’s at the framers my father rushed his almost one hundred feet out the door and had already decided where it would go on his walls. So thank you for the wonderful quality and the superb packaging (only one small pressure mark on the cardboard outside but nothing deep or problematic about it) and for giving my Dad so much joy. We miss Central Australia, we were at Wenten’s funeral and the pull of central Australia is always present. We have a lovely Mervyn painting which we have yet to frame (I did not inherit my father’s capacity for speed) and we treasure it. Thanks so much. Excellent professional and wonderful. Cheers Jo
Mervyn Rubuntja, Rutjipma (Mt Sonder), 54x35cm
Isobel M.
We had the pleasure of visiting Guy’s gallery in Launceston and were blown away by the stunning collection of artwork. The gallery is a real hidden gem. We purchased a gorgeous piece by the talented Audrey that we absolutely love. The entire experience was excellent—highly recommend making an...We had the pleasure of visiting Guy’s gallery in Launceston and were blown away by the stunning collection of artwork. The gallery is a real hidden gem. We purchased a gorgeous piece by the talented Audrey that we absolutely love. The entire experience was excellent—highly recommend making an appointment if you’re in Tasmania. Thank you, Guy! Izzy & Sam
Audrey Brumby, Ngura Tjuta Munu Tjukula Tjuta, 220x142cm
Sara C.
Fast and friendly. Love the detail of narrative provided with the art piece. Thanks so much for my artwork!
Christine Nakamarra Curtis, Mina Mina Jukurrpa, 107x61cm
Michael B.
Our art arrived home before we did and we are really happy with these beautiful First Nations art works. Our experince buying them was great and they were so well packaged. We also appreciate the information on the artists and their stories. I will recommend Art Ark to our friends. Kind...Our art arrived home before we did and we are really happy with these beautiful First Nations art works. Our experince buying them was great and they were so well packaged. We also appreciate the information on the artists and their stories. I will recommend Art Ark to our friends. Kind regards, Janelle
Naomi Kantjuri - Tjanpi Basket
Michael B.
Our art arrived home before we did and we are really happy with these beautiful First Nations art works. Our experience buying them was great and they were so well packaged. We also appreciate the information on the artists and their stories. I will recommend Art Ark to our friends. Kind...Our art arrived home before we did and we are really happy with these beautiful First Nations art works. Our experience buying them was great and they were so well packaged. We also appreciate the information on the artists and their stories. I will recommend Art Ark to our friends. Kind regards, Janelle
Tanya Nungarrayi Collins, Watiya-warnu Jukurrpa (Seed Dreaming), 61x30cm
A prompt and easy buy, thanks!
Simone Nampijinpa Brown, Ngapa Jukurrpa (Water Dreaming) - Puyurru, 30x30cm
David S.
Great service. Prompt and well packed delivery. Thank you
Yawuku #2 Garmu, Bathi (woven basket)
Lynne S.
Fantastic service. Guy is very knowledgeable and accommodating. I have now bought several paintings from Art Ark and can highly recommend this gallery
Lena Young, Ngayuku Ngura, 49x46cm
Penny G.
Thank-you to Art Ark and to other reviewers for sharing their wonderful experiences. As promised the painting we ordered arrived the next day. I was keen to get it straight away so I can get it stretched before our local art shop closed for Christmas. Art Ark is certainly reliable in their delivery...Thank-you to Art Ark and to other reviewers for sharing their wonderful experiences. As promised the painting we ordered arrived the next day. I was keen to get it straight away so I can get it stretched before our local art shop closed for Christmas. Art Ark is certainly reliable in their delivery times. As other reviews have said, and I couldn't agree more, the paintings are brighter and so evocative in person. This painting is bought as a gift for my son's 18th birthday. Yes, it's not a traditional 18th birthday gift but it makes sense for him for many reasons. I'm honoured to share the beauty and the stories of Australian indigenous artists with our son to mark his journey to adulthood in Australia. Thank-you.
Inawantji Jennifer Forbes, Minyma Kutjara, 91x61cm
Briony L.
This piece by Doreen Chapman is as beautiful in person as it was when I saw it online. The subtle details like how it is painted on a black background and the lie bits of teal, really make the painting pop! The customer service from Guy has been exceptional. It’s always a pleasure to shop with Art...This piece by Doreen Chapman is as beautiful in person as it was when I saw it online. The subtle details like how it is painted on a black background and the lie bits of teal, really make the painting pop! The customer service from Guy has been exceptional. It’s always a pleasure to shop with Art Ark.
Doreen Chapman, Untitled, 76x46cm
Jean P.
Organisation très sérieuse. Toile emballée avec beaucoup de précautions et parfaitement protégée. Envoie international rapide dès la commande. Organisation garantie. Jean Pierre POLI
Renae Nelson, Mamungari, 107x46cm
Michelle D.
I recently purchased an Indigenous artwork, and it’s absolutely stunning. The colors and storytelling within the piece are captivating, and it adds such warmth and character to my space. A meaningful and beautifully crafted addition to my home—I couldn’t be happier with this purchase and experience...I recently purchased an Indigenous artwork, and it’s absolutely stunning. The colors and storytelling within the piece are captivating, and it adds such warmth and character to my space. A meaningful and beautifully crafted addition to my home—I couldn’t be happier with this purchase and experience with Art Ark.
Leanne Nungarrayi Jurrah, Yankirri Jukurrpa (Emu Dreaming) - Ngarlikurlangu, 46x46cm
Don M.
Thanks for my recent purchase which arrived on time and in good order. I have purchased several pieces of indigenous art from numerous galleries over the years but I have to say that the process with ART ARK has impressed me greatly. It's obvious that you run a well managed ethical and extremely...Thanks for my recent purchase which arrived on time and in good order. I have purchased several pieces of indigenous art from numerous galleries over the years but I have to say that the process with ART ARK has impressed me greatly. It's obvious that you run a well managed ethical and extremely efficient business and for that you deserve the utmost credit. I look forward to making further purchases in the future and enjoying your knowledgeable and informative emails. Regards, Don
Kaylisha Napaljarri Ross, Ngatijirri Jukurrpa (Budgerigar Dreaming), 50x40cm

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