Sarah Napurrurla Leo, Ngapa Jukurrpa (Rêver de l'eau), 30x30cm

Sarah Napurrurla Leo, Ngapa Jukurrpa (Rêver de l'eau), 30x30cm


Original Work of Art (1/1) — they all are!

Certified by Community Art Centre Fast & Free Delivery 120 Day Returns Authenticity Guarantee Colour Correct Images 1530+ Reviews

  • Artiste aborigène - Sarah Napurrurla Leo
  • Communauté - Yuendumu
  • Centre d'art aborigène - Société autochtone des artistes Warlukurlangu
  • Numéro de catalogue - 3028/19
  • Matériaux - Acrylique sur toile pré-étirée
  • Taille (cm) - H30 W30 D3.5
  • Variantes d'affranchissement - Oeuvre affichée étirée et prête à être accrochée
  • Orientation - Peint de tous les côtés et OK à accrocher comme vous le souhaitez

Le site représenté sur ce tableau est Puyurru, à l'ouest de Yuendumu. Dans les lits des ruisseaux, généralement secs, se trouvent des « mulju » (trempements) ou des puits naturels. Les « kirda » (propriétaires) de ce site sont des femmes Nangala/Nampijinpa et des hommes Jangala/Jampijinpa. Deux hommes Jangala, faiseurs de pluie, chantaient la pluie, déclenchant une tempête géante. La tempête a traversé le pays d'est en ouest, voyageant initialement avec un « pamapardu Jukurrpa » (rêve de termites) de Warntungurru à Warlura, un point d'eau situé à 13 km à l'est de Yuendumu. À Warlura, un gecko appelé Yumariyumari a soufflé la tempête sur Lapurrukurra et Wilpiri. Des éclairs ont jailli à Wirnpa (également appelé Mardinymardinypa) et à Kanaralji. À ce stade, le morceau Dreaming comprend également le « kurdukurdu mangkurdu Jukurrpa » (les enfants des nuages ​​qui rêvent). Le Rêve d'eau a construit des collines à Ngamangama en utilisant des bébés nuages ​​et a également enfoncé de longs nuages ​​pointus dans le sol à Jukajuka, où ils peuvent encore être vus aujourd'hui sous forme de formations rocheuses.

Le termite Dreaming a finalement continué vers l'ouest jusqu'à Nyirripi, une communauté située à environ 160 km à l'ouest de Yuendumu. L'eau Dreaming a ensuite voyagé du sud sur Mikanji, un cours d'eau avec des trempages au nord-ouest de Yuendumu. À Mikanji, la tempête a été captée par un « kirrkarlanji » (faucon brun [Falco berigora]) et emmenée plus au nord. À Puyurru, le faucon a déterré un « warnayarra » géant (serpent arc-en-ciel). Le serpent emporta de l'eau avec lui pour créer un autre grand lac, Jillyiumpa, à proximité d'une station éloignée de ce pays. Les « kirda » (propriétaires) de cette histoire sont des hommes Jangala et des femmes Nangala. Après s'être arrêté à Puyurru, le Rêve d'eau a traversé d'autres endroits, notamment Yalyarilalku, Mikilyparnta, Katalpi, Lungkardajarra, Jirawarnpa, Kamira, Yurrunjuku et Jikaya avant de se diriger vers le pays Gurindji au nord.

Dans les peintures Warlpiri contemporaines, l'iconographie traditionnelle est utilisée pour représenter le « Jukurrpa » (Rêver). Des tirets courts sont souvent utilisés pour représenter « mangkurdu » (nuages ​​cumulus et stratocumulus), et des lignes fluides plus longues représentent « ngawarra » (eaux de crue). De petits cercles sont utilisés pour représenter les « mulju » (trempages) et le lit de la rivière.

Sara Napurrurla Leo est née en 1971 à Napperly Station, une zone située à 122 km au nord d'Alice Springs dans le Territoire du Nord de l'Australie. Sara a ensuite déménagé avec ses parents de la région de Napperby vers la communauté de Laramba, à 205 km au nord-ouest d'Alice Springs. La communauté Laramba a vu le jour en 1983 sur la propriété de Napperly Station, mais a déménagé à son emplacement actuel en 1984. Les parents de Sara sont tous deux décédés. Elle a deux sœurs, Selma Napurrurla Leo et Katherine Napurrurla Leo et un frère Clement Japurrurla Leo. Sa grand-mère restante est Rita Nagala Dixon.

Sara a eu une éducation traditionnelle, passant du temps avec ses parents qui l'emmenaient dans la brousse, autour de Napperly, lui montrant ses sites et lui apprenant les coutumes traditionnelles de son pays. Plus tard, elle a vécu à Alice Springs où elle a rencontré son mari originaire de Yuendumu, une communauté aborigène située à 190 km au nord-ouest d'Alice Springs. Peu de temps après leur mariage, ils ont déménagé à Yuendumu où elle vit depuis. Sara a trouvé du travail dans le Programme des Personnes âgées et s'est occupée des personnes âgées, les aidant lorsqu'elles étaient malades, étant avec elles lorsqu'elles se sentent seules ou lorsqu'elles ont peur pendant les tempêtes.

Sara peint avec Warlukurlangu Artists Indigenous Corporation, un centre d'art détenu et géré par des aborigènes situé à Yuendumu, depuis 2008. Elle peint Karnta Jukurrpa (le rêve des femmes), les histoires Jukurrpa de son père. Ces histoires sont directement liées à sa terre, à ses caractéristiques et aux plantes et animaux qui l'habitent. Elle peint également le Jukurrpa de sa mère, Ngurlur Jukurrpa (Native Seed Dreaming). Sara utilise une palette illimitée pour développer une interprétation moderne de sa culture traditionnelle.

Quand Sara ne peint pas, elle s'occupe de son jeune fils né en 2008.

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ART ARK Reviews
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A prompt and easy buy, thanks!
Simone Nampijinpa Brown, Ngapa Jukurrpa (Water Dreaming) - Puyurru, 30x30cm
David S.
Great service. Prompt and well packed delivery. Thank you
Yawuku #2 Garmu, Bathi (woven basket)
Lynne S.
Fantastic service. Guy is very knowledgeable and accommodating. I have now bought several paintings from Art Ark and can highly recommend this gallery
Lena Young, Ngayuku Ngura, 49x46cm
Penny G.
Thank-you to Art Ark and to other reviewers for sharing their wonderful experiences. As promised the painting we ordered arrived the next day. I was keen to get it straight away so I can get it stretched before our local art shop closed for Christmas. Art Ark is certainly reliable in their delivery...Thank-you to Art Ark and to other reviewers for sharing their wonderful experiences. As promised the painting we ordered arrived the next day. I was keen to get it straight away so I can get it stretched before our local art shop closed for Christmas. Art Ark is certainly reliable in their delivery times. As other reviews have said, and I couldn't agree more, the paintings are brighter and so evocative in person. This painting is bought as a gift for my son's 18th birthday. Yes, it's not a traditional 18th birthday gift but it makes sense for him for many reasons. I'm honoured to share the beauty and the stories of Australian indigenous artists with our son to mark his journey to adulthood in Australia. Thank-you.
Inawantji Jennifer Forbes, Minyma Kutjara, 91x61cm
Briony L.
This piece by Doreen Chapman is as beautiful in person as it was when I saw it online. The subtle details like how it is painted on a black background and the lie bits of teal, really make the painting pop! The customer service from Guy has been exceptional. It’s always a pleasure to shop with Art...This piece by Doreen Chapman is as beautiful in person as it was when I saw it online. The subtle details like how it is painted on a black background and the lie bits of teal, really make the painting pop! The customer service from Guy has been exceptional. It’s always a pleasure to shop with Art Ark.
Doreen Chapman, Untitled, 76x46cm
Jean P.
Organisation très sérieuse. Toile emballée avec beaucoup de précautions et parfaitement protégée. Envoie international rapide dès la commande. Organisation garantie. Jean Pierre POLI
Renae Nelson, Mamungari, 107x46cm
Michelle D.
I recently purchased an Indigenous artwork, and it’s absolutely stunning. The colors and storytelling within the piece are captivating, and it adds such warmth and character to my space. A meaningful and beautifully crafted addition to my home—I couldn’t be happier with this purchase and experience...I recently purchased an Indigenous artwork, and it’s absolutely stunning. The colors and storytelling within the piece are captivating, and it adds such warmth and character to my space. A meaningful and beautifully crafted addition to my home—I couldn’t be happier with this purchase and experience with Art Ark.
Leanne Nungarrayi Jurrah, Yankirri Jukurrpa (Emu Dreaming) - Ngarlikurlangu, 46x46cm
Don M.
Thanks for my recent purchase which arrived on time and in good order. I have purchased several pieces of indigenous art from numerous galleries over the years but I have to say that the process with ART ARK has impressed me greatly. It's obvious that you run a well managed ethical and extremely...Thanks for my recent purchase which arrived on time and in good order. I have purchased several pieces of indigenous art from numerous galleries over the years but I have to say that the process with ART ARK has impressed me greatly. It's obvious that you run a well managed ethical and extremely efficient business and for that you deserve the utmost credit. I look forward to making further purchases in the future and enjoying your knowledgeable and informative emails. Regards, Don
Kaylisha Napaljarri Ross, Ngatijirri Jukurrpa (Budgerigar Dreaming), 50x40cm
Helen W.
I have been purchasing magical pieces from Art Ark over the last couple of years. It is important to me that the artist is well represented and I love that Art Ark collaborates with community and not for profit centres. I have learnt so much about indigenous art and the artists of the works I have...I have been purchasing magical pieces from Art Ark over the last couple of years. It is important to me that the artist is well represented and I love that Art Ark collaborates with community and not for profit centres. I have learnt so much about indigenous art and the artists of the works I have bought. I've been able to share this knowledge with family and friends. Delivery is very reliable and fast. And Guy is a delight! Thank you for your great service! Helen Whelan
Melissa Henry, Liru, 61x46cm
Chloe S.
smooth process from Quoting to ordering and delivering the items on time
Pandanus Woven Mat (75-85cm centres)
Lisa P.
Piece arrived safely and very quickly. The artwork was exactly as it was advertised on the website. Extremely pleased with the whole process.
Djul’djul Gurruwiwi Susan Wunuŋmurra, Witij - Rainbow Serpent, 96x48cm Bark
Tim W.
I was impressed by Art Ark’s ethical commitment to deliver economic benefits back to Indigenous artists. That my painting was delivered within 3 days after bracing myself for a three week wait, blew my mind. And the art itself? Stunning
Jennifer Mintaya Connelly Ward, Kungkarangkalpa (Seven Sisters Story), 102x76cm
Lynda D.
we recently purchased a lovely artwork from Art Ark. it was safely delivered over night! colours were true to website. thankyou!
Ivy Pareroultja, Going towards Ormiston Gorge, 36x25.5cm
Stephen H.
United Kingdom
Great choice of work on the website and when it arrived looked even more amazing in real life. Easy to use website and seamless delivery to the UK arriving in perfect condition. Many thanks
Elsie Taylor, Walka, 91x76cm
Jillian R.
Wonderful & fast service.
Murdie Nampijinpa Morris, Malikijarra Jukurrpa, 122x61cm
Anise B.
We love this beautiful painting, thank you. A
Juliette Nakamarra Morris, Wanakiji Jukurrpa (Bush Tomato Dreaming), 30x30cm
Daniel A.
We purchased 2 new peices through Guy and couldn’t be happier! His service and support through the whole process was brilliant. It’s such a great initiative what Guy is doing to support Aboriginal Art and we’ll continue to purchase with him in the future.
Helen Nungarrayi Reed, Lupul Jukurrpa, 182x91cm
Bopaiah B.
The Ngalyipi Jukurrpa (Snake Vine Dreaming) painting is excellent and am very happy with the purchase. I will look at Art Ark for any further unique and individual aboriginal art or craft work.
Ingrid Napangardi Williams, Ngalyipi Jukurrpa (Snake Vine Dreaming) - Purturlu, 30x30cm
Kim R.
Easy purchasing experience. All went very smoothly. Very happy with our purchase. Wilma produces the most impactful images of birds and animals. Full of character.
Wilma Napangardi Poulson, Birds that live around Yuendumu, 61x46cm
Maleak B.
Really positive , very quick and prompt delivery. No negative notes.
Renae Nelson, Mamungari, 94x67cm
Carmel C.
Absolutely thrilled with my beautiful woven sculpture. It arrived quickly and was carefully and thoughtfully packaged by the wonderful people at Art Ark. Highly recommend.
Nellie Coulthard - Tangki (donkey) Sculpture
Mala P.
We purchased our first piece of aboriginal artwork through art ark. Absolutely love it. Great service
Judith Nungarrayi Martin, Janganpa Jukurrpa (Brush-tail Possum Dreaming) - Mawurrji, 122x61cm
Jo O.
United States
Beautiful art and incredibly well packaged for shipment to USA. Arrived within days, excellent communication and service. Highly recommend ArtArk - great name BTW!
Jennifer Forbes, Minyma Kutjara, 61x61cm
Maude S.
We received our painting safe and sound and took it to a local framer to get mounted. We just hung it over the weekend in the kitchen and it has transformed the room. My partner comments on it daily. We are delighted.
Joanne Ken, Ngayuku Ngura, 100x82cm
Kathleen W.
I have now bought 3 paintings from Art Ark: two smaller stretched ones and an unstretched Karen Napaljarri Barnes "Budgerigar Dreaming". I am delighted by the paintings which are beautiful and as many others have said, utterly true in colour to what you see on a high quality computer screen - they...I have now bought 3 paintings from Art Ark: two smaller stretched ones and an unstretched Karen Napaljarri Barnes "Budgerigar Dreaming". I am delighted by the paintings which are beautiful and as many others have said, utterly true in colour to what you see on a high quality computer screen - they are rich and dense and bright. No nasty surprises or even slight disappointments at all. And then, Guy at Art Ark cannot be faulted in his customer service: he is quick to respond, very helpful and friendly and genuinely interested in the life of the paintings after they've been sold. Thanks, Guy, for your help and enthusiasm. It is a pleasure to be able to buy such paintings in the belief that everyone invovled in the process is being respected. I have no hesitation at all in recommending Art Ark to anyone thinking of buying some beautiful Aboriginal art.
Karen Napaljarri Barnes, Ngatijirri Jukurrpa (Budgerigar Dreaming), 107x61cm
As described and pictured :) x
Sarah Napurrurla Leo, Ngapa Jukurrpa (Water Dreaming), 30x30cm
Matt P.
Unbelievable experience. A piece of art work from an amazing artist is stunning. We are so honoured to have this hanging in our home. Thank you. Then whole process is professional and quick. Highly recommend and will be buying again shortly.
Yvonne Nangala Gallagher, Yankirri Jukurrpa (Emu Dreaming) - Ngarlikurlangu, 30x30cm
Louise D.
The painting was as pictured and I like it. It arrived incredibly quickly. There was a smudge I hadn’t seen, which is part of the painting process, but being a watercolour it’s obvious. When I zoomed in later I could see it on the website, but I think there should have been a close up photo to...The painting was as pictured and I like it. It arrived incredibly quickly. There was a smudge I hadn’t seen, which is part of the painting process, but being a watercolour it’s obvious. When I zoomed in later I could see it on the website, but I think there should have been a close up photo to highlight it. I decided to keep it as it is an interesting painting. It would also be good to have a description from the artist about their painting.
Shirley Namatjira, Mining on Country, 21x29.5cm
Clementine B.
I was initially drawn to this piece because of the story. We get possums visit us daily at our place and often watch them scale the trees around our house. We feel like we live amongst their place. So the painting is an ode to them! The colours were even better IRL. Shipping was super speedy for a...I was initially drawn to this piece because of the story. We get possums visit us daily at our place and often watch them scale the trees around our house. We feel like we live amongst their place. So the painting is an ode to them! The colours were even better IRL. Shipping was super speedy for a last minute bday gift for my partner. Would buy again from artark 100%!
Judith Nungarrayi Martin, Janganpa Jukurrpa (Brush-tail Possum Dreaming) - Mawurrji, 30x30cm
Gabriel N.
I purchased a beautiful woven basket for my wife’s 40th birthday. We both loved it and are very happy with the service. Looking forward to making more purchases in the future. Thanks
Batumbil, Bathi (woven basket)

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